Who we are: A non-
We started operations in 2004 with a pilot centre in Kumbo town.
Noting that many other towns were without any kind of computer
facilities, we soon established 5 other computer training centres
in each subdivision.
The Story of rapid expansion: We started in 2004 by creating
a computer centre with 3 computers in Tobin, our town. Later on,
with the help of Office Pro Group(Kumbo) and under the UNDP
project, we acquired 6 more computers for this centre.
In 2005, we received support from the Regency of Lomar Foundation Inc U.S.A, German branch(15 computers) to open a bigger computer literacy training
centre in Tobin.
In 2006, with the support of OSIWA NGO, Dakar, we bought over
100 computers. Using these, we created five computer-
centres in different towns in Cameroon. In addition, we were able
to assist many schools and individuals to acquire computers.
In 2006-
Schools (Africa) in the U.K . With these we were able to start a
schools in the Republic of Niger.
We trained 65 students in 2004, above 130 in 2005, and about
320 in 2006 in our five centres.
Also in 2006,we offered one-
for women. This was on basic computer usage such as MS
Word and Excel. About 69 women attended.
A keen student at an early class.
NAVTI techncians check all equipment regularly
2007 graduation at NAVTI’s Tobin computer training centre